Thursday, November 28, 2019

Remembering Gandhi

On 28 November, we had a class on Gandhian Studies by Dr. V. Reghu, Asst. Director. Centre for Adult Continuing Education University of Kerala and Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development.

Sir had given us a brief history of the forgotten events in the life of Gandhi and showed us several glimpses of the Richard Attenborough movie 'Gandhi'. 

Dr. Reghu divided us into groups of 7 and gave us several excerpts of Gandhi's autobiography, 'My Experiments with Truth' which were to be read analysed and discussed as a class. The excerpts dealt with the subject matter of gender equality, Gandhi's response to Winston Churchill's reference of him as a 'naked fakir', Gandhi's letter to Sarojini Naidu, Gandhi's letter to Kasturba during her illness etc. 

The session was indeed worthwhile as Mr. Reghu reinstated the eternal relevance of "victory of virtue over vice".

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