Thursday, February 25, 2021

School Teaching Practice - Week 4

 22/2/21, Monday

Today I administered a diagnostic test to the students. As we were six in number, we divided the children amongst us and each of us conducted out test in 10 students each. We conducted a 15 mark test and through it identified the major areas of difficulties our children faced. 

 23/2/21, Tuesday

The major finding of the test was that the students had difficulty with the spelling of words. I had opted for a few remedial techniques as the children were of different proficiency level. One technique I chose was incidental method. But the most effective technique was that of oral drilling. I asked the students to spell the word before writing it down and I asked them to practice persistently.

 23/2/21, Wednesday

Today I conducted an achievement test to the students. I was happy to see that they all performed fairly well. As it was our last day of teaching practice we distributed sweets to them. We asked them to prepare well, wished them the very best for their future and parted with them. 

A few snaps of the week

With our dear teachers Ms Sangeetha and Ms Ambily

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