Sunday, October 18, 2020

E-Content for Conscientization

In semester III, we were to have our first phase of teaching practice during which we were to conduct an awareness class or a conscientization program on a topic related to health and nutrition or environment. As we were inconvenienced by the pandemic situation our teaching practice procedure was significantly altered and we had to have it online. Since the platform was changed, we resorted on creating an e-content for the purpose of conscientization. 

I chose a topic that I thought was very much relatable to the students and one that should be dealt with immediate effect i.e, Plastic Refill Pollution and Environmental Hazards.

Plastic Refill Pollution and Environmental Hazards

Thursday, October 15, 2020

E-Content on Sentences

At the very beginning of the third semester we were hinted that we should be preparing an e-content. It was a very stifling assignment as we were all confused on what to do. We were all quite proficient in creating presentations and all but the thought that we had to do something different than those done earlier made things complicated. I had searched for a number of applications. Almost everyone was in a hunt for an application that would help them to create basic animations without any knowledge on coding. But the main problem that came to my mind was that as we were to create content for the high school students they must not get bored by it. Finally, the best option that I could think of was whiteboard animations. It is indeed a good platform in which teachers can render concept in an interesting way. The option of voice-recording almost gives the content the quality of a real-time class. 

My maiden attempt on e-content development, on the topic Sentences

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Eureka 2020!

On the 9th of October, the Peet Memorial Training College, Mavelikkara for the first time ever, organized an all- Kerala quiz competition Eureka 2020. It was conducted through the online quiz platform Kahoot. The initial round was conducted through kahoot and those students who would qualify in it would be chosen for the live online rounds. 

A few snaps from the event...

The kahoot ranklist...

Participation certificate...

Friday, October 9, 2020

To Emotopia on World Mental Health Day!

In association to the World Mental Health Day, the research wing of MTTC organized a talk on the importance of emotional intelligence among teachers, The Journey towards Emotopia: Emotional Intelligence for Teachers. The resource person for the day was Dr. Velayudhan Nair, Assoicate Professor, Peet Memorial Training College, Mavelikkara. 

Velayudhan sir literally took us to emotopia with his mesmerizing voice and picturesque presentation. 

He began by stating the requisites of an ideal teacher...

Sir briefed on the Daniel Goleman classification of EI skills...
Sir elaborated on the broad classification of emotions....

Sir then spoke on the particular importance of the current generation teachers in being well equipped with EI skills as we are going to be interacting with the Gen Y learners...

Velayudhan sir gracefully concluded the session by stating that the best of teachers, teach from heart and not from the book alone.

Certificate of participation...

Friday, October 2, 2020

Gandhi Jayanthi Celebration 2020

Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated on October 2 every year to mark the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. It is observed across states and territories in India, and is one of the officially declared national holidays. 

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat. This year will mark Gandhi’s 151st birth anniversary. On this day, people celebrate with prayer services, commemorative ceremonies and cultural events that are held in colleges, local government institutions and socio-political institutions.

Last year we had observed a cleaning day on Gandhi jayanthi. This year as the pandemic scenario forbade us from gathering together, our teachers decided to give us a theme presentation on the important themes on Gandhian studies.

Ms Preetha presenting on the theme Gandhiji and Cleanliness...

Ms Sushama presenting on the theme Gandhiji and Basic Education...

Ms Uma Jyothi presenting on the theme Gandhiji and Swadeshi Movement...

Ms Chinju presenting on the theme Gandhiji and Fasting...

Ms Soumya shared with us several interesting facts on Gandhiji's life and experiences... 

Ms Prabhitha presenting on the topic Relevance of Gandhiji in the present day...

Ms Sreekutty presenting on the topic Gandhiji and Sarvodaya...

Towards the end of the session, our Principal, Ms Geetha spoke to us on the need for commemorating Gandhi and his thoughts, in the present day life. She also spoke on the grounds on which Gandhi and his thoughts were criticized on several instances and concluded by saying that the criticisms after all can never nullify the good, Gandhi had gifted to mankind. 

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Red Ribbon Club Awareness

Red Ribbon Club is a movement started by the Government of India in schools and colleges through which, students will spread awareness over HIV / AIDS. It envisages to instill charity mind among all the students to extend their able help towards developing healthy life styles, donating blood to all the needy by promotion of Regular voluntary blood donation.

In collaboration with the officials of the Red Ribbon Club, our college management conducted a session for us on the importance of voluntary blood donation. The class was taken by our teacher Ms Sreekutty Aravind. She gave us the basic idea of blood donation and the practices involved in it and most importantly its significance. 

Ms Sreekutty delivering the session..

Ms Sreekutty reinstated the mandates that ought to be followed while considering blood donation..

She repeatedly informed us on these facts...