Saturday, January 23, 2021

Cognitive Mapping (Grade XII)


Heights of Harmony

This unit details on the nature of human relationships and its longevity. In this unit the authors of the various texts presents a cross-section of the human persona that gets shaped in accordance to the degree of relationship one shares with oneself and with others. The storylines of the text represent divergent setting and different races of people and their multi-faceted attitude towards life. The learners get to see life in a nut-shell through this unit.

Cognitive Mapping 1 (Grade XI)

Harmony of Life

This unit speaks of the multitudes of emotions and themes that arise throughout the course of life. Each stage of life brings in tremendous changes in the personality of individuals and the effects of the same may last for a lifetime. All the three lessons of this unit speaks of the divergent themes that arise in human life the reinstates on the reactions of people to them that determines the direction of their life.