Thursday, December 10, 2020

Preparation of Curricular Material

During our fourth semester, we were to design and prepare a curricular material using the digital platforms. As the pandemic situation drastically changed the course of works to be completed, the preparation of the curricular material was shifted to the third semester. We were to create a unit of an English textbook for high school students comprising of one prose lesson and poetry lesson and its associated activities.

I chose to prepare a curricular material for the 9th graders. The theme I had in mind was the transition from traditions to modernity. I titled the unit as Of Traditions and lore's. The chapters I included in it are the short story  The Missing Mail by R. K. Narayan and the poem Freedom by Rabindranath Tagore.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

E-Content on Letter Writing

One of the most frequent discourse assignments given to students are of letter writing; both formal and informal. As students are quite familiar with the formats of letter writing by now, I thought of creating a content that would detail them on the components of a complete letter. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

E-Content on The Scholarship Jacket

On creating the e-content on a poetry lesson I was enthusiastic in creating one for a prose lesson as well. But then I was confronted with a number of challenges. Primarily, the duration of each slide was a bare minimum and the reading of the text was not possible in such a short duration. So I resorted to our oldest pal, Google Slides. 

Monday, December 7, 2020

E-Content on A Prayer in Spring

As our teaching practice was online, we had done a considerable number of experiments on creating presentations both in MS PowerPoint  and Google Slides. After venturing into the possibilities of whiteboard animations, I had begun thinking on creating one for teaching a poetry lesson. It was quite tricky to limit the explanation part of the stanza within the time limit permitted in the application. I certainly have to improve quite a lot in improving the functionality of y content creation. However, I'm happy with my maiden attempt. 

A Prayer in Spring

Quelle Nouille!

On December 7th while we were all submerged and drained by our record works, our college gave us a session by Nestle. It was a delectable experience for our minds. The session was coordinated by Mr Arun Kumar, PRO, Nestle and Mr. Abhijit and demonstrated by Ms Sera Paul Thengungal, Culinary Consultant, Nestle. 

 Ms. Sera Paul treating our eyes with her amazing recipes... 

Coconut rice... 

Chocolate cake!

Our classmate Nanda delivering the vote of thanks...

Sunday, December 6, 2020

E-content on Synonyms and Antonyms

I have always thought about creating content that will be useful in enriching the vocabulary in students. The challenge in doing so is that unless they are introduced words associated with their previous knowledge, retention of the same would be less. So here I have attempted in creating a short content that would familiarize students on certain words and their probable synonyms and antonyms. 

Synonyms and Antonyms

Saturday, December 5, 2020

E- Content on Gender in Nouns

Gender in nouns is a concept that most of the students get wrong. They often confuse in the ways in which they are derived. So I decided to create a short e-content on gender in nouns so that students could understand it better in an amusing way.

Gender in Nouns

Friday, December 4, 2020

Teaching Practice (Online) - Week 4

The first week of online teaching practice had made us quite confident and by the second week (30 November to 4 December) online teaching had become our new normal. As I had gone to the school to take classes, network issues were not much of an issue for me. However, on the second day, I had some issues as the data cable got disconnected for a while. 

In the second week along with our routine classes we had to take session to conduct School-based activity, Achievement test and Diagnostic test. For a change, to relive they students of the regular boredom of test papers, I had set the same questions in the form of a game using the educational gaming platform Kahoot. I was overwhelmed on learning that the students enjoyed it. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

World AIDS Day 2020

On December 1st our college organized a resource class on the significance of having AIDS awareness in student teachers. The resource person of the program was Dr Sobha Mathew, Branch Manager, Family Planning Association of India. Ms Mathew held a very engaging and interactive session on the history and development of the AIDS prohibition and its containment in India.

A few screenshots of the session..